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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

If it's written in the travel guide, it don't make it so.......

A short way up the highway we turned off and wound our way downhill for 40 miles to Steward BC.  We picked a RV park that had all the amenities we wanted and set up camp.  Then we find out the Wi-Fi is not working, the hot water in the laundry room is not working, the RV wash down is new and not completed yet, and to top everything off, the road to a glacier we wanted to see has not been plowed yet, so can’t go there!!!

This is Bear Glacier on the way to Steward

Because we are kind of early in the season, several of the campgrounds have not been opened yet, and many of the lakes still have ice on them.
Shortly after continuing on our way, we saw a mother black bear along the road and her cub up a tree.  We also saw our first caribou.  They are much larger than I realized.  Haven’t been able to get real close before they run off into the woods.  Still looking for our first moose.
Today we are staying at Boya Lake Provincial Park. We are the only people here so far.  A short while ago a very large black bear strolled thru camp.  I will definitely keep my bear spray on me when walking the dogs.

Russell! Russell!  There is a bear in camp....
As you can see by the picture the bear was as tall as the picnic table he is standing beside.  This was about 4 camp spots from the one we were in.

Travel tip for today:  This one has to do with showers again.  When using the showers that the campground provides, be sure to take a towel with you.  It takes awhile to drip dry!!!  Yes, this is the voice of experience speaking.

What a view

Tonight we are in Whitehorse, the capital of the Yukon.  One third of the population of this province lives here.

I have updated the map so click on it to enlarge and you can see where we are.

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