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Monday, May 4, 2015

Kamloops to Williams Lake BC

We had some trip from Oliver to Kamloops.  I entered the GPS coordinates into my phone and wasn't paying any attention which route it picked to take, and as it turned out, was not the route I had planned on.  So off we went following the GPS and up over a very steep mountain pass.  Even a few snow flakes at the summit. The views were fantastic but the truck really had a workout shifting back and forth into various gears.  But I must say, the roads in BC have turned out to be excellent so far.

The campground at Kamloops Lake was not that great.  You never really know what you will find until you arrive.  The wind blew all afternoon and was a little cold.  The ground was covered with very small little stickers and the dogs had some trouble walking around the site.  But the views were great and I managed to get some nice pictures.

Our Campsite at Steelhead Park

There were several old buildings on the campgrounds that probably date back to the early 1900's.   I was really amazed at the roof on this next picture. Definitely not like the shingles you see on houses back home. These were cut approximately 4" thick, 2' wide, and 6' long.

Check out these shakes.

This one had a new roof

We continued on to Williams Lake to spend the night at the Stampede Campgrounds.  This RV park is adjacent to the rodeo grounds.  Today there is a event here so lots of horses and big horse trailers.

Williams Lake rodeo grounds.

Stampede Campgrounds RV Park
Monday we will continue on,  The plan is to spend a few days at a free campsite I found on the internet, and visit Barkerville, on old gold mine town.

Update:  The frig. is working great now.

Today's RV camping lesson:  When you store your bath towels outside the bathroom, take one in with you when it's shower time!  Otherwise it takes a long time to drip-dry!!!

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